
Providing growth together

Muthande Society for the Aged has three Gardening Projects. These are located in Chesterville, Clermont townships and Tafelkop rural area. As part of the expected deliverables from the Department of Social Development, which promotes a healthy lifestyle, older persons were encouraged to maintain and enhance their lifestyle skills, this included being able to grow their own food through gardening activities.

When the organization began to experience a decrease in subsidies from the Department of Social Development, the need to save as much as possible came about. There was a paragon shift from a welfare stance to an income generating project in order to ensure the survival of the organization. Muthande began to grow and sell its own vegetables amongst its service centres and members of the organization.


To alleviate poverty within the community

  • Skills sharing
  • Strengthen and empower women
  • Generate income that will supplement the state subsidy received from the Department of Social Development